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NTU’s Promotional Forum on Research Achievements Held on December 1st for Industry

Hosted by the Technological Transfer Division of NTU’s Research and Development Commission, the 2006 NTU Promotional Forum on Research Achievements was held on December 1st in the 101 lecture hall of the Bo-li Building of the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Items on display at this forum embodied the various achievements of NTU’s professors and research personnel which fall into 7 major categories including: electronics, optoelectronics, chemical engineering, material science, biomedicine, biological resources, etc. There was a total of 29 technological achievements.

In addition to oral reports and introductions s from the professors who accomplished the research findings , there was also a display area for R&D posters, providing real time information on approved patents and the new technologies that are being developed.

The purpose of this forum is to induce industry to cooperate with NTU in the development of new technologies and then to transfer the newly developed technologies for industrial use. Other functions were to understand the needs of industry, to reduce the technological gap between industry and universities, and to transfer technologies that possess potentials to industrial users for sustained economic development, thereby enhancing the competitive capability of our nation.

Chinese version