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Scholarly Publications from the University Press Receive Subsidies from the National Science Council's Research Center for Humanities

Two scholarly publications from NTU's University Press passed inspection and received subsidies from the National Science Council's Special Grant for Humanities and Social Sciences. These two books are:

1)"Theoretical Essays on the Ceramics of the Six Dynasties" by Professor Mind-Liang Hsieh of the Graduate Institute of Art History. This collection of essays is divided into three parts. The first part tries to discuss by region the porcelain and pottery unearthed from the tombs of the Six Dynasty period in the provinces of Jiangsu, Jiangxi, and Fujian, and related issues.The second part aims to explore conspicuous ornamental subjects, such as statues of Buddha, brown spots and the so-called "chicken head pots". The third part discusses the metamorphosis process of the forms of the twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac, and the burial objects recorded in the classical document "Yen Family's Precepts". The author also tries to observe the artifacts unearthed from the tombs of the Six Dynasties from a class point of view.

"Ethical Thinking and Characteristics In Confucius' Annals of Spring and Autumn," by Professor Yih-jing Lin of the Department of Philosophy. This book studies the ethical thinking and characteristics of the Gong Yang Biography in Confucius' Spring and Autumn Annals. Because of its special selection of topics, this book is separate and distinct from the other studies on Gong Yang Biography. Inspired by Western concepts of ethics, the author tries to reconstruct the ethics of Gong Yang Biography from the angle of a conceptual system, labeling it as a type of "ethics by moral conduct" (propriety and righteousness), to be acquired by personal practice and self-discipline. As this book is very thorough in textual research, profound in theory, proficient in ancient and modern interpretations, well written and with strong hypotheses, it is considered an outstanding piece of scholarly work.

NTU's University Press wants to express its gratitude to the Humanities Research Center of the National Science Council for its affirmation and assistance, and vows to adhere to the system of good academic censorship, continually publishing fine academic works to achieve greater success!!

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