NTU Opening Ceremony: “Where Creativity and Dreams Take Flight”
Symptomatic individuals advised to take a rapid test before seeking medical help.
In response to the latest developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, Taipei City Hospital has announced that, starting from January 24, 2022, individuals experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath should take a rapid COVID test at home, and they should proceed to seek medical assistance only if the test is negative.
◎ Rapid COVID-19 test kits are available at pharmacies, convenience stores and drugstores.
◎ If the result of the rapid test is positive:
- Please report your possible infection to Taipei City Department of Health disease prevention hotline at (02) 2375-3782 or CDC’s 1922 hotline. In the meantime, notify the epidemic prevention coordinator at your academic unit or office.
- Retrace your contact history over the past 3 days. Notify every person who was in close contact with you and urge them to take a rapid COVID test as soon as possible.
- Please wear a medical-grade face mask and refrain from taking any form of public transportation. Visit your nearest community COVID screening hospital for testing as soon as possible.
◎ If the rapid COVID test result is negative, simply wrap up the test kit and discard it. If the result is positive, place it in a sealed plastic bag. Then take it to a nearby community COVID screening hospital and have the hospital staff dispose of it.
Our COVID-19 response measures are updated as needed in accordance with the CECC’s latest announcements. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated.
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