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There is Infinite Hope When You Have an E-book at Hand
--Taiwan Academic E-books Consortium
Calls for Entries for Its Essay Competition

Taiwan Academic E-books Consortium has announced that it is going to hold an open essay competition for teachers and students who have had experiences in using e-books. The purpose of the competition, is to promote understanding of the resources available at the Consortium, as well as to share the experiences among users.

It is hoped that the essay competition will provide ways and means in which e-books can be better applied toteaching, research, and learning activities in the future and to enhance the value of electronic reading resources.

The ideas contained in the essays will be provided to university libraries, various teaching units, and vendors of e-books for their reference.

Information pertaining to the essay competition are as follows:
Time span for entry submittal: June 10th to August 10th, 2009.
Qualification for participants: All university faculty, staff, and students.
Categories: Divided in two, one for faculty and staff, the other for students.
Theme of Essay: Using the e-books available at the Consortium's database, faculty or staff needs to cite concrete examples to illustrate "how e-books are blended into their teaching", likewise, students need to demonstrate "how e-books are useful in their learning and research." These essays can be written based on the participants' personal viewpoints.

For detailed information, please refer to URL: http://www.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/exhibition/980610/ebook.html .

Ways to Participate in the Competition:
Download the proper application form, fill it out and e-mail it with your essay to the Promotion Unit of the Library of National Normal University at kittian@ntnu.edu.tw.In the e-mail please specify that the email is for participation in the essay competition and your status as a student or faculty.

For detailed information consult the following websites:
Activity website:http://www.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/exhibition/980610/ebook.html
Rules and regulations: http://www.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/exhibition/980610/ebook.pdf
Application forms download: One for faculty and staff, and one for students.

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