NTU Shines Bright at Leading Telecommunications and Networking Conference
Students and professors of the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering demonstrated once again their world class research prowess in telecommunications and networking at the 2011 IEEE GLOBECOM Conference. NTU won a best paper award and had a total of 22 papers accepted for presentation at the conference, which was held in Houston, Texas, December 5-9, 2011. Considered the Olympics of telecommunications research, the conference is the most important annual research-oriented event in telecommunications and networking.
Research teams led by Prof. Zsehong Tsai, Prof. See-may Phoong, Prof. Wanjiun Liao, Prof. Hung-yun Hsieh and Prof. Kwang-cheng Chen of the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering and professors of the Graduate Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering presented 22 papers at the conference, accounting for nearly 50% of the papers from Taiwan at the conference. This shows again that NTU is the leader in the field of communications in Taiwan and that its innovation and research prowess continues to advance. Internationally, NTU ranked fifth in the world for the number of papers presented at the conference. NTU was led by Prof. Kwang-cheng Chen’s Wireless Broadband Communication System Laboratory, which produced ten of the papers NTU presented at the conference.
Graduate student Sheng-chieh Wang and Prof. Wanjiun Liao won an IEEE GLOBECOM Best Paper Award for their paper, “Cooperative Multicasting for Scalable Video in Wireless Networks.” Addressing next-generation wireless networking environments, their research provides a solution for scalable video based on the currently hot research topic of cooperative multicasting. They present an innovative technology called CodedCM. This technology uses multi-resolution modulation and integrates cooperative multimedia multicasting to solve a variety of problems created when scalable video is transmitted in a wireless network environment. Their approach also simplifies the current operating model for cooperative multicasting mechanisms.