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The International Meeting for Deans of the Colleges of Agriculture held by NTU College of Bioresources and Agriculture

The 2012 international meeting for deans of the colleges of agriculture was just successfully held by NTU College of Bioresources and Agriculture along with the corporation from the Association of Pacific Rim Universities, APRU during October 15th to October 18th. There were fourteen top universities, specialized in the professional field of agriculture, from thirteen countries attending to the international meeting at National Taiwan University.

Attendants are from universities around the world, including the dean of College of Agricultural Consumers and Environment, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA, the dean of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Maryland, USA, the president of University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, the vice dean of the College of Agriculture, The University of Melbourne, Australia, the dean of the College of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan, the dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, Korea, the director of the Department of Agriculture and Life Environment, Zhejiang University, China, the president of the Ministry of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Malaysia, and the dean of the College of Agriculture, University of the Philippines. And these are famous scholars around the world.

This international meeting means a lot to the NTU College of Bioresources and Agriculture by elevating and promoting our leadership of co-working and connecting with the international institutes as well as the recognition and compliment from the deans for our academic performances of research results, international participants and the ability to contribute to this professional field of agriculture. On the forest tour after the meeting, the participants were impressed and amazed by the fact that National Taiwan University owns probably the richest resources and the most sufficient services in regards of the diversity in the teaching from our research institutes and organizations. The World University Scientific Research Paper ranked the NTU College of Bioresources and Agriculture as the 34th position in 2011. And the research papers and journals with the high influence were ranked as the 10th.

The contract of exchanging students was also signed between National Taiwan University and Kyoto University in this international meeting for the colleges of agriculture. Meanwhile, Yuan-Tay Shyu, the dean of the NTU College of Bioresources and Agriculture prompted to reach the mutual understanding in order to maintain what they had reached in the meeting and to make it carry out. This gained the high recognition and full support from all participants in this international meeting, and they thus signed a contract for the Declaration of Taipei: the Education, Research, Promotion, and Realization of Agriculture and Biological Resources. Moreover, all have agreed that we will thus formulate a long-term alliance relationship for strategies based on this international meeting to go for the goals as the followings: Attract, inspire and cultivate the elite students in the field of agriculture to lead the next human generation. Enhance the functions of developing agriculture to contribute to the food safety and the human health. Improve the job opportunities in the green industries to ensure the food safety around the world. Reserve and maintain the biological resources to sustain the biological diversity. The four goals also brought out 32 job entries for us to work on.

This international meeting was held successfully with the actual results and benefits for the long-term strategy. This great result was mainly attributed to the efforts from the faculty and the students in the NTU College of Bioresources and Agriculture along with their mature teamwork and excellent performances over the past years. Moreover, National Taiwan University would love to give thanks to the financial support and administration assistance from the NTU authority and the Committee of Agriculture in the Executive Yuan in Taiwan for this international meeting.

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