Student Association's NTU Sparks Magazine Explores the Spirit of the Times
During mid-term exams, an eager, if not perhaps slightly inappropriate for that busy time of the semester, question could be heard around campus: "Where can I get the latest issue of NTU Sparks?" It was a sign that a new voice had started to circulate around campus.
NTU Sparks is a campus magazine published in print and digitally through the NTU Student Association. The magazine published its inaugural issue at the end of 2011, and it has just moved past its 15th issue. Having evolved much since its inception, the student publication has striven to take inspiration from the exuberance of sparks emitted from outstanding individuals of its generation.
NTU Sparks is a campus magazine published in print and digitally by the NTU Student’s Association. (Image: NTU Sparks Facebook page)
When one thinks of sparks, a myriad of inspiration and images of aspiration float into one’s mind, and one cannot help but wonder whether the sparks of the generation yearn to be more than just transitory memories. For its 15th issue, entitled “The Spirit of the Times,” NTU Sparks gave voice to a group of people who were unwilling to let their sparks fade, but aspired to tell the stories of their times. Theirs is an aspiration born of inner anxiety and alienation that is being realized through the spirit of their times. This spirit is defined by the “pursuit of unconventional success,” “defining your own life” and “giving love to your society”
A look inside this issue reveals an exclusive interview with the poet Rob Yu-Chia Lo, who expounds on his thoughts about the world, society, and even himself, and considers such questions as: How does one find one's position in life? and How can we feel content and at ease at all times? There are also interviews with magician Sunny Chen, as well as writer, actress and model Gin Oy, and director Ya-Che Yang.
Singers Sandee Chan and Deserts Chang also address the spirit of the times by sharing their concerns and words of advice for young people and students, reminding them that following and obeying others blindly and without engaging in self reflection can lead to internal chaos.
This article was originally published in the June edition of NTU Highlights, an English newsletter publication brought to you by the NTU Secretariat. Visit the NTU Sparks website and Facebook for more information on the student magazine. |