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    Professor Yang's group proved the clinical significance of EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) mutations, pharmacogenomics and the mechanism of primary resistance to anti-EGFR treatment of lung cancer in Taiwan .

    Professor Chen Pei-Jer received his B.S. in Medicine in 1981 from National Taiwan University and currently is the Chair of the Institute of Clinical Medicine at National Taiwan University and the Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Research at National Taiwan University Hospital . Professor Chen specializes in the fields of hepatitis viruses and genomic and genetic study of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Chronic infection of Hepatitis B virus causes a high risk of HCC. Therefore, understanding the mechanism of immune tolerance for Hepatitis B virus infection is an important issue. Using a hydrodynamic injection of recombinant HBV genome, he developed a new animal model to further investigate HBV immune response.

    Chronic viral hepatitis has been a well-recognized cause of HCC. Understanding the interaction between virus and host helps to reveal the process of HCC development. Professor Chen analyzed the family history of HCC patients with hepatitis B viral infection and found that both chromosome 4q and 8p loss play major roles in HCC development. Furthermore, HBV-related HCC occurs primarily in men. These research outcomes shed light on the identification and cloning of the viral and host genes important for liver cancer development. With this result, the chronic hepatitis B patients at high risk will be identified earlier for treatment and for surveillance of HCC.

    Professor Chen also studies emerging infections. During the SARS outbreak in 2003, he cloned and sequenced Taiwan 's SARS coronaviruses. His final results elucidated the molecular epidemiology and transmission routes in Taiwan . Moreover, he built a genome database for common infections in Taiwan , such as enteroviruses and influenza. This collaboration with Taiwan 's CDC allows a timely monitoring of emerging infections and a rapid development of response policies.

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