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NTU Ranked 127th in Shanghai Jiao-tong University's ARWU rankings,
a Major Advancement of 23 spots

Shanghai Jiao-tong University's Center for World Class Universities and the Institute for Higher Education announced the rankings of the top 500 universities in the world. National Taiwan University again was the No. 1 university in Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong, as it was ranked the 127th place, a significant advancement of 23 spots from its ranking of 150th place in 2009. This result fully demonstrates the effectiveness of Ministry of Education's "five year, 50 billion dollars subsidy plan." Also, for the first time, NTU surpassed the 145th place of Singapore National University, and pulled itself apart from Seoul University's 148th place, achieving the first phase goal of "first among the Chinese, and top in the world."

According to the statistics released by Shanghai Jiao-tong University, the areas in which NTU made the greatest progress were in "the most highly cited number of faculties" (HiCi). Last year the core was 10.3, this year it was 16.1. And the number of theses published in academic journals such as Nature and Science also achieved significant progress, from 9.9 last year to 11.6 this year. As for other evaluation indicators NTU saw slight improvements, so its ranking was majorly upgraded to the 127th place in the world.

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) issued by Shanghai Jiao-tong University focused on the academic performance of each university. From 2003 onward, it conducted rankings of world universities. Main evaluation indicators include: number of alumni winning the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal (10%); number of faculty winning the Nobel Prize or the Fields Medal (20%); number of highly cited faulty in various disciplines(20%); number of theses published in Nature and Science (20%); the number of SCI, SSCI indexed papers(20%), and the per capita academic performance of the faculties with the institution (10%).

In the ARWU rankings issued by Shanghai Jiao-tong University, reputable universities in Asia were ranked as follows: the National University of Singapore was ranked 145th, Seoul University of Korea was ranked 148th, the Chinese University of Hong Kong was ranked 179th, the Tsing-Hua University of Beijing was ranked 191th, and the Peking University of Beijing was ranked 199th place.

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