The ceremony for the NTU scholarship awards has just been held in the first conference room at the main campus on December 22nd, 2011. The scholarship awards are established and examined by strict censorship according to the rules set by National Taiwan University. The NTU students who have just received the scholarship by recommendation present great academic performance indeed. In addition to the financial aid, the scholarship means a lot to the NTU students as an inspiring encouragement. In the speech at the ceremony, President Lee stated that National Taiwan University has always been the top university in Taiwan, which thus made this honor remarkable achieved by great students and teachers together. The students received the scholarship by doing great in the various fields of academic performance, international research, creativity, design, business venture, and international competitions. They are absolutely the role models among their peers. It is expected that these students will definitely do something great in all works of life in the near future. Also, President Lee encourage those who received the scholarship to do some contribution to help National Taiwan University establish more scholarship awards for financial aid, when they do some great achievement in the future.
While giving the speech for the ceremony of the NTU scholarship, President Lee promoted the ten required literacy in National Taiwan University following the university’s motto: "Cultivate virtue, advance intellect; love one's country, love one's people" adopted from a line in the speech made by the former President Fu Ssu-nien in 1949. President Lee articulated that “Cultivate virtue” is to develop one’s good personality; “Advance intellect” is to be professional in studies; “Love one’s country” is to do the duty; “Love one’s people” is to be compassionate and to respect the diversity in cultures around the world and thus to have the global vision.
President Lee encouraged the students to cultivate their virtues, personalities, and human natures in addition to their excellent academic performance. As well, developing a global vision plays an important role in the society. Therefore, the students are expected to be able to be corporative and to respect others with a willing heart to learn to experience in all aspects besides of their professional majors. Last but not the least, President Lee hopes the students can live a prosperous life with the enriched spirit and eventually stand out in all works of life in the near future.
The Guest Speakers’ Speech
The executive of the Zhung Chuo Zhang Education Foundation pointed out the importance of health in addition to congratulating the students who have just received the scholarship: three meals a day; five hours between each meal; no meals after 9 pm; drink 2000ml water per day; an apple a day. As well, the executive also emphasized the importance of bedtime at 11pm and being thankful. The students were encouraged to live a prosperous life and to conquer the difficult tasks with the persistent and perseverant spirit.
The Sunrise Association of NTU alumni established the scholarship to encourage the students of the National Taiwan University. They expect to inspire those who are interested in the topics of Buddhism to work on the thesis for research paper. Last but not the least, the Sunrise Association hope each student to lead a prosperous life and a successful career to dedicate to the society.
Professor Wang Yao Hung of the Global Educational Foundation stated that he established the NTU scholarship in the name of his own in the NTU Business Department in order to provide the financial aid to those who are in need. The scholarship is not only for those who achieved an excellent academic performance. As well, Professor Wang encouraged the teachers to follow what the teachers in the United States and Canada have been doing, establishing scholarship to help students in need, based on his thirty- year teaching experiences in the states.
The president of Lam Research, Liao Zhen Rong, mentioned that the Lam Scholarship Award has been there for 16 years to provide the financial aid to the students of National University. Moreover, he’s just established another award of honors to provide the NTU students the opportunity of paying a visit to Stanford and UC Berkley in the United States. President Liao will be founding more awards like this based on his touching experiences of being the judge in National Taiwan University and National Chiao Tung University for the scholarship awards last year. He hopes and expects students will apply for the scholarship awards and thus prove themselves qualified with the offers in Lam Research.
The Student Representative’s Speech of Honors
The Ph. D student of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Erwin Franco Rodriguez from Plurinational State of Bolivia, shared his personal experiences of studying in National Taiwan University with everyone else in the ceremony of the NTU Scholarship Award.
Erwin has been longing to travel aboard and learn something more even though he failed to have a successful career in his home country. What really prompted him to go to National Taiwan University is his enthusiasm towards the study of engineering and mathematics. Also, his research interest in the mining of lithium brought him to do the advanced study in National Taiwan University. Therefore, this is how and why currently he’s been working on the research of lithium battery with Professor Wu Nae Lih in the top and the best university in Taiwan. Four points of views were shared hereby from his journey of learning more:
- Never ever give in to the times of difficulties or give up the hopes. There will definitely be something great awaiting you in the neat future as long as you keep moving on with strong faith.
- Be positive no matter how impossible or difficult the situation seems to be. Conquer it!
- Develop a long-term vision showing a consistency instead of the fast ones.
- Be persistent and decisive! Reach the goal with a strong faith once you’ve made up the mind!
The scholarship awards in the school year of 2011 are as the follows in the website: