TWAS (The Academy of Science for the Developing World) has just given a great honor to Professor Shih-I Chu, from NTU Department of Physics in the College of Physics, by selecting him the member of TWAS in the professional field of physics. All the faculty and students in the NTU College of Physics are so proud of Professor Shih-I Chu, and this honor also made NTU College of Physics shine with more great academic researches recently.
TWAS was established back in the year of 1983. It has been focusing on assisting and helping the developing countries to work on scientific researches with the related development applied in hopes that they can put what they learned into practice. Up to date, there have been 1,000 members in TWAS from 95 countries around the world. Every year, TWAS selects new members according to these eight professional fields: agricultural sciences, engineering sciences, chemical sciences, mathematical sciences, physics, biology, medical and health sciences, earth sciences. Thus, in the professional field of physics, Professor Shih-I Chu was selected for the member in TWAS this year.
Those who are qualified enough to be selected for the members in TWAS are prestigious scholars who has been presenting outstanding research results with their great contributions to the developing countries. Being selected means a lot for each scholar’s academic reputation as well as his/her country being supportive to the developing countries’ scientific researches constantly in consistence. Moreover, this honor represents the great humanity concerning the caring spirit to the whole world.
Professor Shih-I Chu has been well acknowledged as the top expert in the academic field of quantum science and computer science. He has already proposed and presented many innovative theories and precise methods of calculation using computer science over the past years in his academic career. As the most recognized scholar and the top expert in his academic field, he has been doing pioneering contributions to the academic fields of chemical physics, astronomy and space sciences, quantum sciences, atomic and molecular sciences, high-filed physics, atomic and molecular collisions, TDDFT (time dependent density functional theory), molecular chaos.
One of Professor Chu’s most important contributions is on the basic foundation and the development of high-field atomic and molecular physics. Back in the year of 1977, Professor Shih-I Chu proposed the theory of Non-Hermitian Floquet, well known as the first masterpiece theory in the research field of experimenting the non-perturbation theory of atomic and high-field laser. Later in his professional career, he has successfully proposed and promoted the series of comprehensive Floquet theories and laws with the precise methods of calculation of Dynamics. What Professor Chu has been doing has already been practiced into the scientific research of multiphoton chemistry and the variety of reaction in the filed of physics as well as the innovative research on nonlinear optics. These researches have successfully open up a new approach to the study of high-filed atomic and molecular physics over the past thirty years. In addition to that, recently Professor Shih-I Chu has just been working on the new interest of research fields, including calculations of condensed matters and quantum, attosecond ultrafast sciences, and the control of quantum. All these researches have provided great contributions with Professor Chu’s pioneering research results.
As for the latest members selected by TWAS, there are five prizewinners from Taiwan. To be specifically noted, there are five NTU graduates among the six members: Professor Kuang Wang of NTU Department of Chemistry, Dr. Lu-Hai Wang of NTU Department of Zoology, Dr. Chenming Calvin Hu of NTU Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Professor Shih-I Chu of NTU Department of Chemistry, Dr. Tzu-Ching Chang of NTU Department of Physics.