NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang (楊泮池) traveled to Canberra, Australia to take part in the 18th Annual Presidents Meeting of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities at Australian National University during June 24-25. This year's meeting drew the attendance of 19 university presidents and 62 delegates from 33 member universities. Dean for International Affairs Luisa Shu-Ying Chang (張淑英) and Office of International Affairs staff member Ilun Teng (鄧伊倫) accompanied President Yang to the meeting.
![NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang (back row, far right) attends APRU Presidents Meeting in Canberra, Australia.](140811_1.jpg) NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang (back row, far right) attends APRU Presidents Meeting in Canberra, Australia.
During a panel on higher education, President Yang's delegation learned about Australia's innovative New Colombo Plan under which Australian university students are offered scholarships and grants to study at leading Asian universities and participate in business internships in Asia.
Yonsei University, the University of New South Wales, and University of Hawaii at Manoa formally joined the APRU during the meeting this year, bringing the number of APRU member universities to 45. During the event, the organization also saw a change in the APRU chairmanship as outgoing Chancellor Henry T. Yang of the University of California, Santa Barbara formally passed the baton to President C. L. Max Nikias of the University of Southern California.
Following the Presidents Meeting, Dean Chang and the OIA's Ms. Teng visited the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney where they met with the universities' chief administrators and international affairs officials to discuss a variety of potential avenues for cooperation. |