President Yang emphasizes credibility, responsibility, and caring for the society during his anniversary address.
Image by: Office of the Secretariat
NTU alumnus Samuel Yin (right) receives Honorary Doctorate from President Yang (left). Image by: Office of the Secretariat
National Taiwan University celebrated its 86th Anniversary on Nov. 16, during which the awards to this year’s Distinguished Alumni, Honorary Doctorate, as well as honorary students were presented. NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang (楊泮池) personally presided over the ceremony where he cited many of the University’s accomplishments within the past year, and emphasized the importance of credibility, responsibility, and caring for the society as the basis for personal conduct.
During his address, recipient of this year’s Honorary Doctorate Samuel Yin (尹衍樑) stated that the rewards he gained from NTU has extended beyond his two years of study. Therefore, he gave special thanks to the Department of Civil Engineering, the Master of Business Administration program, and the College of Management for their support, adding that he will continue to serve the community as a means to pay the honors from his alma mater forward to the society. Yin was awarded the NTU honorary Doctorate degree for his innovation in architectural technology, which enhances building safety against such precarious elements as earthquakes, as well as his support of medical development, the environment, and contributions to the economy.
The second Honorary Doctorate was awarded to physicist and Nobel laureate Chen-Ning Franklin Yang (楊振寧) in recognition of his fruitful contributions in the fields of particle physics, statistical physics, condensed matter and quantum field theory. Yang was the co-recipient of the 1957 Nobel Prize in physics. He was also recognized for his study of the law of parity conservation, as well as the Yang–Mills theory and the Yang–Baxter equation and their contributions to mankind.
The Distinguished Alumni Awards were also handed out during the anniversary ceremony. Winners of the awards according to category include:
- Arts and Humanities Award
• Hsien-Yung Pai (白先勇): Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
• Chang Chao-Tang (張照堂): Department of Civil Engineering
- Academic Award
• Norman N. Li (黎念之): Department of Chemistry
• Tso-Ping Ma (馬佐平): Department of Electrical Engineering
• Mien-Chie Hung (洪明奇): Department of Chemistry
• Horng-Tzer Yau (姚鴻澤): Department of Mathematics
- Corporate Award
• Ding-Hua Hu (胡定華): Department of Electrical Engineering
• Kenneth C. M. Lo (駱錦明): Department of Economics
- Public Service Award
• Jin-Huang Chen (陳錦煌): School of Medicine
In addition, the University presented the honors to the NTU Outstanding Youth Awards, Honors Students, and this year’s debut Student Contribution Awards, which were handed to Deng-Ru Gu (古登儒) of the Department of Social Work, Jia-You Guo (郭家佑) of the Department of Business Administration, and Fang-Ying Lee (李芳盈) of the Institute of Health Policy & Management.
The 86th Anniversary was celebrated with a multitude of featured events, student activities, special exhibitions, as well as academic workshops. For more information, visit the event website HERE.