

National Taiwan University 87th Anniversary-封面圖

National Taiwan University celebrated its 87th birthday with a series of events held throughout the month of November as well as a celebration ceremony in the morning of Nov. 15. President Pan-Chyr Yang personally presided over the ceremony in honoring this year’s distinguished alumni as well as recognizing the recipients of the Student Social ... more

NTU and Ford Collaborate to Mitigate Traffic Congestion-封面圖

Ford North America announced its international collaboration with Computer Science and Information Engineering Prof. Michael Tsai in a joint effort to mitigate traffic congestion using cars’ LED lights. The joint research team will utilize the innovative vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) visible light communications (VLC) technology in the solution ... more


NTU Rugby Celebrates 70th Anniversary-封面圖

The National Taiwan University Rugby Team was joined by hundreds of its alumni from Taiwan and abroad to celebrate its 70th anniversary on Oct. 24. The celebrations began in the morning with a birthday ceremony and lunch banquet graced by the presence of University officials, the media, and the finest of the varsity’s community, also known as ... more

Treating Cataracts with Next-generation Artificial Lens-封面圖

A new and improved artificial intraocular lens developed by the Department of Chemical Engineering can significantly decrease the incidence of medical complications caused by the existing artificial model via a breakthrough in the lens’ optical and biofunctional properties. Working in collaboration with the Dept. of Mechanical ... more

NTU Records Tremendous Variability in Kuroshio Current-封面圖

An NTU oceanic study has shown that the Kuroshio Current is far more unstable than previously assumed. This important observation was published in the Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, featured as a Spotlight article on the journal’s website , and reported on the Eos Earth & Space Science News magazine. The Kuroshio Current ... more


NTU at 70 in QS World University Rankings 2015/16-封面圖

National Taiwan University climbed six notches to number 70 in the 2015/16 Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings. This year’s results were published on the QS website on September 15, and NTU was again the only Taiwan university to enter into the top 100. The good news came after 32 of our subjects were ranked among the ... more

Raising Awareness against Dengue Fever-封面圖

National Taiwan University launched a dengue fever awareness campaign ahead of the new semester as a preventative measure against the current epidemic. The campaign is led by the NTU Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety and Health Center in collaboration with the Office of General Affairs. The offices also invited dengue vector ... more


NTU and IBM Join Forces for Big Data Development-封面圖

NTU Professor Shou-De Lin of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering has been awarded the IBM Shared University Research Award for his development of an analytical software designed to enhance business operations. The SUR award is a global award program established to encourage outstanding research projects in areas of mutual value and interest to both IBM and the university. Working ... more

NTU Students Win National Robot Competition Top Prizes-封面圖

The 2015 National Robot Competition concluded with teams from National Taiwan University taking home the top prizes for both the competition’s divisions in industrial robotics and creative application. The NTU teams were presented with awarding certificates as well as reward money from the competition’s governmental organizers, the Ministry of ... more

Prof. Chih-hao Hsieh is awarded the Biwako Prize for Ecology-封面圖

The 18th Biwako Prize for Ecology is awarded to Prof. Chih-hao Hsieh from the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University on July 18, 2015 in the Kusatsu City, Japan, by the Shiga prefectural governor, Mr. Taizo Mikazuki. Prof. Hsieh is recognized by the ... more

Welcome Mixer for (Inter)national Students-封面圖

Welcome to National Taiwan University! The Office of International Affairs (OIA) have partnered up with the NTU Student Association (NTUSA), International Student Association (ISA) as well as the International Student Information Service (ISIE) to host a ... more



NTU Students Create App to Address Food Waste-封面圖

In 2014, an estimated 200 tons of food was wasted in Taiwan. To address this problem, a student team from NTU’s Global MBA program created the iFoodbank application to help businesses effectively manage their food supplies. The team of six GMBA students includes second-year student Gao-Jia Lee, and two international students, one from ... more


Public Health Building Promotes Vegan Monday-封面圖

A group of students from the Institute of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine launched the “Health Monday” campaign to raise awareness for health and environmental protection. Each Monday, the students would gather at the fifth floor of the Public Health Building to catch up while enjoying a scrumptious as well as healthy meat-free lunch ... more

Creating Artificial Muscles from Onion Cells-封面圖

Multiple studies have shown that onions are a disease-fighting superfood. An NTU research team, however, has proven that the vegetable’s super powers are extended beyond our palates as onions also make great artificial muscles. This groundbreaking discovery was led by Institute of Applied Mechanics Prof. Pei-Zen Chang and Department ... more

Exciting Performances Kick Off 2015 NTU Art Fest-封面圖

On May 8, the NTU Library saw an unfamiliar crowd of trendy spectators gathered outside for non-other than the opening ceremony of the NTU Art Fest. A spectacular marching band procession led by President Yang kicked off the opening ceremony. The event then proceeded with an exciting mix of rock, hip hop, a cappella ... more

Potential Therapy against Opioid Tolerance-封面圖

NTU researchers have uncovered the reason behind drug resistance for opioid-based pain treatment. According to the study, opioid tolerance is likely induced by a protein produced by the spinal cord called CXCL1. According to the team, this is the first time that such a relationship has been scientifically proven. High tolerance of opioid ... more

NTU Athletes Shine at National Intercollegiate Games-封面圖

This year’s National Intercollegiate Athletic Games concluded with NTU athletes taking home a total of 19 gold, 21 silver, and 20 bronze medals. More than 400 athletes competing in 10 categories represented the University in the annual event, which was held between May 2-6 at Fu Jen Catholic University. Our total of 60 medal counts placed ... more

Waking Up for a Morning Run-封面圖

Waking Up for a Morning Run

Date: May 8, 2015

The NTU Morningers Only jogging group launched its Spring Run on May 5, inviting President Pan-Chyr Yang, Executive Vice President for Administrative Affairs Ching-Ray Chang, and Leadership Development Program Deputy Director Shi-Wei Chu to cheer the runners on ahead of the blast-off. The spring runs will be held at 7:00 each ... more

Electrical Engineering Listed No. 15 in QS Subject Rankings-封面圖

In this year’s Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings by Subject, National Taiwan University reported a growth of more than 20 percent compared to last year with up to 32 subjects making it in the world’s top 200. Among the list, 26 NTU subjects made it into the top 100, 17 of which were listed among the world’s top 50. NTU's Electrical and ... more

“Meals of Hope” Helps Struggling Students Eat Better-封面圖

Starting this semester, a food assistance program will be made available to students struggling with financial difficulties. Students enrolled in the Meals of Hope program will receive NT$3,000 in subsidies each month to be used at the Xiao Xiao Fu Commissary as well as seven restaurants in the 1st Student Activity Center meal court. The program is to ... more


Redology Expert Wins OEC “Educator Award”-封面圖

Department of Chinese Literature Prof. Li-Chuan Ou was recently awarded the Open Education Consortium 2015 “Educator Award” for Open Education Excellence. Prof. Ou has been part of the open education movement since 2012 and has provided courses such as “Red Chamber Dreams” and the “History of Chinese Literature.” She has ... more

Art without Borders: 2015 Very Fun Park Art Exhibition-封面圖

Starting now until May 3, the work of 15 artists from Taiwan, U.S. and France can be seen throughout the NTU campus. The event is part of NTU President Pan-Chyr Yang’s continued efforts to promote and encourage arts and culture within the University. For the second consecutive year, NTU’s Center for the Arts launched the Very Fun Park art ... more


Scholars Highlight Health Hazards Caused by Air Pollution-封面圖

An air pollution research team led by the College of Public Health held a press conference on Mar. 13 to highlight the dangers of air pollution to raise public awareness as well as call for attention among policy-makers. During the conference, COP Dean Wei J. Chen pointed out that while Taiwan adopted the international PM2.5 control standard ... more

NTU Leads League of University Presses in Taipei Book Fair-封面圖

National Taiwan University for the third consecutive year led a group of national university presses in showcasing their publications at the Taipei International Book Exhibition. This year’s Joint Exhibition of National University Presses was held at the Taipei World Trade Center on Feb 11-16. This was also the first year that the universities jointly ... more


NTU Alumnus Cheng-Ming Chuong named 2014 AAAS Fellow-封面圖

National Taiwan University alumnus Cheng-Ming Chuong was among the world’s most esteemed scientist to be selected fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The announcement was made on Nov. 28 on the association’s News & Notes section of the journal Science, and the awarding ceremony is scheduled to take ... more


NTU-PKU Community Outreach Program in Hsinchu County-封面圖

A National Taiwan University, Peking University, and Yunnan University Community Service Team took their outreach services to Hsinchu County’s Tunan Elementary School on Jan. 21 for the 8th NTU-PKU Community Outreach Project activity. The team went on a mission that served to send stationery and other essential supplies to the indigenous ... more

NTU and Alliant University Join Forces against Child Abuse-封面圖

National Taiwan University and Alliant International University signed a memorandum of understanding on Jan. 5 to mark an important partnership to support the end of violence and abuse in their respective countries and across the world. The initiative between Alliant’s Institute on Violence, Abuse & Trauma and NTU’s Children & Family Research ... more

NTU Ph.D. student Yen-Ju Hsieh Becomes Youngest Recipient of 2014 International Inventor Prize-封面圖

National Taiwan University’s Yen-Ju Hsieh has become the youngest recipient of the International American University 2014 International Inventor Prize at the age of 30. Hsieh is currently a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Polymer Science and Engineering working under ... more

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